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A Reception Class Post

3.12.18 Weekly Update

This week: We will be reading the story “Sam’s snowflake” and following on from our work earlier in the term about Autumn, will be beginning to think about the changes that will be taking place as we move towards winter.

We will be learning about animals that hibernate and also learning about adaptions that allow animals to live in climates much colder than ours! We will be exploring ice, describing how it feels and seeing if there’s anything we can do to stop it from melting!

In maths we will be reading the story “One is a snail, ten is a crab” and taking part in lots of mathematical activities involving adding together different amounts of legs. We will be looking at different ways of making the same number ie: 4 could me made up of 2 + 2, 4 + 0 or 3 +1.

In our phonics sessions we will be learning the sounds “ff”, “ll” and “ss” (two letters but they make one sound) that are found at the end of words. We will also be learning the new sounds “w” and “v”.

We will also be having a trip to Hitchin library and continuing to practice our Nativity play.

To support our visit to the library we thought it would be nice for children to have the opportunity to share their own favourite books in school. If your child would like to bring their favourite book into school, anytime next week, we will endeavor to share as many as we can before going home time and during snack time etc. Please could you ensure books are named and put in children’s drawers in the morning in order to ensure they are kept safe and easily returned home.

Reminder: Please can all costumes be in school by Friday 7th December at the very latest. Any problems please just speak to your child’s class teacher.

You can help by:

Reading with your child every day and recording it in their reading records. Talking about the changes that have already begun to take place as it continues to get more wintery, such as colder weather, getting darker earlier etc. Sharing lots of stories with your child, particularly traditional tales that use story language, such as “Once upon a time”, “They all lived happily ever after.” You could talk about the characters and setting of the story so that children become more familiar with these terms.


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