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A Year 6 Class Post

Fun, fun and more fun!

What a busy, yet fun filled week we’ve had.

In Science, we took a short trip to our field to investigate plant life and how it had adapted to its environment. From there, we took our knowledge learnt and discussed to apply it to a cactus and how its characteristics enabled it to sustain life in the desert.

We have been very creative in English this week by creating narratives on how the world was created. Mr Burgess and I have been thoroughly enjoying reading and seeing all the pupils absorbed by their writing! Well done to the children who used a semi-colon in their writing to closely link sentences together.

Computing! Thank you to those parents who filled out the survey your child brought home to ask you about your memories when the internet was first created. Some shared your experiences in class. This week we studied Sir Tim Berners-Lee and how he invented the World Wide Web! With our research, we made PowerPoints.

We had our last cricket session; therefore we begin Rounders next week. We look forward to perfecting our skills in throwing and hitting with a rounders bat. Our P.E Enrichment happened again this week on a Friday afternoon, Beech loved Badminton and served up some great rallies. Spruce continued their fun with Ultimate Frisbee.

We would like to thank all the parents for supporting their child with their home learning. It was amazing to see so many animal adaption projects. They varied from PowerPoints to posters to fact files; a joy to read.

Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend and see you next Tuesday 🙂

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