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A Year 5 Class Post

A busy week 6!

This week in Year 5, we continue our Daily Mile challenge where we participate in 10-15 minutes running or a physical activity outside. Being outside is a great brain break for us to get the fresh air through our bodies and get our blood pumping- not to mention work on our fitness!

In Geography, we continue our North America study and loved creating extreme weather reports and performed them to our class! We travelled to extreme weather destinations to report on the blizzards, tornados and wildfires. Some of us even discussed maybe becoming journalists and news reporters in the future!

We used our scientific skills when investigating how day and night are created by exploring our space models. We then performed an experiment using a light source and an object to observe how shadows are created. Our results show that shadows created when a path of light is blocked by an object and the size of the shadow determines on the how light moves towards the object, the shadow becomes larger. As light moves away from the object, the shadow becomes smaller.

This term in PE, we are focusing on teamwork in communication and tactics. The focus of the learning is to look at what makes an effective team with the focus being on creating tactics as a team. Walnut applied their collaborating skills in playing human noughts and crosses. We practised being patient, communicating to decide as a team what the next moves would be and what tactics were successful. We had a lot of fun and even had a class final at the end! Well done to the winners of Walnut Noughts and Crosses.

We look forward to the final two weeks of school before a well deserved half term! Well done Year 5!

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