Our final blog for the term written by Year 3 Ash children (typed by Miss Clapp):
In year 3 although the pandemic has been annoying we have still had lots of fun. A great part of our year (which we did recently) was when we completed our preference test. We were tasting tomatoes, red onion, courgette and cheese after we had prepared them using our cutting, peeling, slicing, grating and spreading skills.
Another fantastic project we completed this year was making our own non chronological reports. We used our research skills on the computers to find out information on Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon. We made sure that we used capital letters, full stops, prepositions and conjunctions to make it an excellent piece of learning.
We have also all enjoyed our Art topic where we explored Umbrellas by Renoir. We experimented with mood by mixing colours. We were using thick and thin brushes to make different effects.
In maths, we were learning how to multiply and divide by 3, 4 and 8. We also had lots of times table rocks star singing and assessments! At the beginning of the year, we learnt how to use HTO columns to add and subtract.
During October we learnt about Black History. Miguel, Lily and Kelita brought in lots of wonderful books for us to listen to which were all about how special people stopped segregation and stood up for what they believed in.
We really enjoyed our Music lessons with Mrs Footer where we learnt silly, funny songs although we are very sad that she is leaving.
At the beginning of the year we felt scared, unsure, nervous and anxious however now we feel happy, focused and excited for all of the glorious learning to come.