Today we were lucky enough to have an athlete who has represented both Great Britain and Jamaica in triple jump; Daniel Lewis, visit our school.
We went first to meet Daniel in the school hall, where he and his colleague Liz, got us working hard doing circuit training.
Then as a whole school we returned for an assembly to hear about Daniels journey, and the resilience and perseverance he has shown over the years to become a skilled and disciplined athlete.
We were amazed to see how far Daniels longest jump was; 16.4m, stretching from one side of the school hall to other, and through the doors onto the patio!
Here’s what some of us had to say about the experience:
“He was really good at jumping!”
“I really enjoyed the assembly, I really liked having the experience with a famous triple jumper.”
“It was the first time I have met an athlete, it was really exciting.”
“I was very surprised to see how far Daniel Lewis could jump, from one end of the KS2 hall to other, and out onto the patio.”
“I really enjoyed the assembly, but I was a bit disappointed that he couldn’t show us his jump as he had an injury.”
“When I heard Daniel Lewis was coming into school I was like ‘Yay, a famous triple jumper is coming in!’”
“When I saw Daniel Lewis he looked different from when I had seen him on the internet”.
“I really enjoyed the circuit training, particularly the star jumps.”
“I really enjoyed the bit when we did the circuit training, because I enjoyed the leg drives.”
“I couldn’t believe a famous triple jumper was coming into our school, when he was walking around I was speechless.”
Please ask your children about their experience and the questions that Daniel answered for the children.