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A Year 2 Class Post

Autumn 1 Week 1 & 2

What a brilliant start the children have had to the year!

As writers we have been using the text ‘Charlie Cook’s favourite book’ to help us write simple sentences.

Charlie Cook's Favorite Book by Julia Donaldson

As mathematicians we have been learning about the place value of 2 digit numbers up to 100! We have even learnt how to partition the numbers in different ways (e.g. 42 = 40 + 2 or 30 + 12).

Partitioning numbers into tens and ones - YouTube

As scientists we have started our ‘living things and their habitats’ topic. We explored things that are living, dead or never alive and sorted them into the correct group.

As Geographers we have started our ‘UK’ topic expanding on our learning from Year 1. We used maps to help us identify the 4 countries of the UK and the surrounding seas.

In RE we have thought about symbols that are important to us and created our own shields with symbols that represent us.

In enrichment Hawthorn class participated in a nature scavenger hunt around the school, even managing to find squirrels and worms! Oak class had a turn either on archery, boccia or active mats that they thoroughly enjoyed.

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