This week as writers, we have continued exploring the text Leon and the place between. We have written our own free-verse poems inspired by vocabulary used in the book and have also created our own descriptive pieces of writing using our own thoughts about what the place between would look like.
As mathematicians, we have continued developing our understanding of place value of numbers up to 10,000. We have learnt how to flexibly partition numbers and to find 1, 10, 100 or 1000 more or less than a number.
As scientists we have continued learning all about sound. This week we explored the parts of the hear and how they enable us to hear. We then made our own television shows explaining how the ear works and presented them to the class.
As geographers we have started our topic learning all about maps! We learnt about the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn and that rainforests can be found between the tropics. We then created our own 3D maps showing where these rainforests can be found.
As religious leaders we have continued learning about Hindu prayer and worship. We learnt about Hindu home shrines and then designed our own shrines, remembering to use the 5 senses.
As Artists, we were creating still life settings. We developed our observations drawing skills.