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A Year 3 Class Post

Autumn 1 Week 5 in Year 3

We have had yet another wonderful week of  learning in Year 3!

In Science, we conducted an experiment based on the question, ‘Can people with longer legs run faster?’.  Once we had made our predictions, we worked in groups to measure each other’s height and the time it took to run a short distance. Using our findings, we discovered that having longer legs does not always make you the faster runner.

In Geography, we have been learning about how the Earth can be divided in many ways. We learnt the seven most important divisions on the planet: the Equator, Northern hemisphere, Southern hemisphere, Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer and the North and South Poles. To demonstrate our knowledge, we used a balloon to act as the Earth and tape to show each division.





In Computing, we have been learning about the importance of online safety. This week we learnt the acronym SMART. This acronym teaches us how to be safe when using the internet. We made posters to promote the use of SMART across the school.

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