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A Reception Class Post

Autumn 2, week 3

This week

The children looked fantastic in their nursery rhyme costumes on Monday and did a great job of performing their rhymes in front of the class.  In reception we sing nursery rhymes daily as standard practice, however, it has ben fun to celebrate National Nursery Rhyme Week, and focus on a different rhyme each day. Each day as part of our continuous provision, we used a different nursery rhyme to stimulate the learning: ‘The Big Ship Sails’ ‘5Little Speckled Frogs’, ‘1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive’, ‘BINGO’ and ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.’ We began by asking the children the question “What does the word rhyme mean?”  The children remembered brilliantly from their phonics earlier in the year that rhyme means when two words have the same sound in the middle and at the end. The staff joined in with the dress up day and we performed ‘Old Mac Donald’ to the children.


In Phonics this week, we have learnt new graphemes h and b as well as revisiting all of our previously learned sounds. The children are working hard making attempts to apply their phonic knowledge in their writing.  We are really proud of their perseverance and determination to do their very best writing, well done Reception.

In maths we learnt about the composition of numbers 1, 2 and 3. The children were introduced to the concept of partitioning numbers. Whole numbers can be split into several smaller parts e.g. 3=1+2.


We finished our week celebrating Children in Need.  Thank you for your generous donations and all the effort made with your children’s clothes, it was a colourful and fun-filled day!  The children heard about Children in Need and about fundraising and why it is a good and kind thing to help other people.  We also had some Pudsey Bear craft activities.


Next Week

  • The children will continue visiting the Library in small groups as part of our weekly local trips.
  • In Phonics, we will continue learning new sounds in Phase 2 (f, ff, l, ll and ss). We will also continue practising reading our tricky words as well as applying our phonic knowledge when reading and writing.
  • In Maths, children will be learning about the composition of numbers 4 and 5 and continue to develop their understanding of partitioning.
  • We will continue to learn our songs for our Reception Nativity
  • We will be learning about light and dark. We will answer the children’s questions: ‘How does light go through things?’ and ‘What animals come out at night?’

Supporting your child at home

  • Reading with your child at home will significantly help them to develop their understanding of letters and sounds, as well become better readers and writers. The Monster Phonics books are designed to support the children with their learning and it is important that the children read these regularly however, additional books outside of Monster Phonics books will also help.  Please write comments in your child’s reading record to let us know how your child has got on with their book.
  • When reading books with rhyming words, point them out and discuss any other words that rhyme with thee words.
  • When talking with your child, encourage them to connect one idea or action with another using a range of conjunctions e.g. ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’ – “I like that game because it was lots of fun.”
  • Share a non-fiction book about a topic of interest to your child and be clear to explain any new knowledge or technical vocabulary e.g. in a book about dinosaurs explaining that prehistoric means before written records.

Any other information

  • Please check your child’s book bag every day for important letters.
  • Nativity play- You should have received a letter telling your child which part they have in our nativity play. Please could you provide the relevant costume in a named carrier bag and bring it in to school by FRIDAY 2nd DECEMBER at the latest.  The children will perform bare foot so please do not provide tights or shoes.  We will make crowns, star hats and animal ears at school.  If you have any questions or need any help/ideas, please just let us know.
  • COLD WEATHER – As the weather gets colder please can you please ensure that your child has a coat in school


We hope you have a great weekend,

Mrs Fisher and Mrs Murrell

Willow and Lilac Class Teachers

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