Another busy week!
This week we have been learning about recounts by looking at the book ‘ We’re going on a bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. We have been taking part in a whoosh to act out the story, which we did enthusiastically. We story mapped our own version of the story and used it to verbally tell our story. Finally ending the week by publishing our ‘We’re going on a … hunt’ stories for others to read. We have worked hard this week with our writing and story ideas and should be proud of what we have achieved. Well done Year 1!
We’ve also been mathematicians and learnt about addition families, bar models, number bonds and working sequentially.
During our Science lessons we recapped our learning on materials and then we learnt about the properties of materials.
During our RE lessons we learnt about the Hindu festival of light, Diwali by exploring the story of Rama and Sit and why light is so important to the retelling of the story.
Finally we have been putting our Historian skills to the test by travelling back in time to the first remembrance service to think about why we celebrate Reembrace and why its important. We took part in lots of different learning and shared stories about family members who had fought in the World Wars.
Next Week:
- We will be doing addition in maths. (number bonds to 10, comparing number bonds)
- In English we will be doing more Recount writing.
- In history we are going to be exploring Florence Nightingale.
- In PE we will be carrying on ball skills using our feet and ball skills using our hands.