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A Year 2 Class Post

Autumn Term Week 6

As readers we have explored the text ‘Ten Delicious Teachers’.  We used drama to act out the story to then help us as as writers. We then have started planning our own versions of the story.

Ten Delicious Teachers : Montgomery, Ross, Warburton, Sarah: Amazon.co.uk:  Books


As mathematicians we have been building on our learning of addition and subtraction.

We have used the stem sentence “When comparing number sentences find things that are the same” to help us compare number sentences like 3 + 2 < 3 + 1.

We have also used part-whole models to find fact families e.g:

17+ 3 = 20

3 + 17 = 20

20 – 17 = 3

20 – 3 = 17


As scientists we have used our knowledge of habitats to create our very own animals out of playdough. We then had to decide on which habitat it would be suitable to live in and why.




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