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A Year 5 Class Post

Biographies, Native Americans, Factors and Friction!

This week in year 5, we started our new writing unit of Biographies. We learnt about one of the most significant scientists in history- Mary Anning! We examined a WAGOLL of a biography and colour coded the success criteria required for a informative, interesting biography before we begin to plan our own biography.

For our home learning we researched the migration of Native Americans and produced a fantastic range of home learning including stories, comic strips, paintings and powerpoints.

In maths, we have begun our multiplication and division unit by learning about factors and multiples. We played factor bingo to practise identifying factor pairs! It was fun to use our times tables facts to help us identify what factor pairs made a big factor.

Friction was the theme of our forces lesson in science this week! We investigated which surface created the most force/friction for our trainers. It was interesting to see how much grip were on our shoes or how much friction our shoes had lost due to the heavy use of our shoes!

This week, we were introduced to the learning pit in our class wellbeing day and understand that in order to become better learners, we must go into the learning pit and challenge ourselves and learn from our mistakes.

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