In maths, we are adding to our place value knowledge by practising our comparing skills when looking at objects and numbers. We practised using the < > and = sign when comparing numbers and Tiny taught us that the > means it eats the bigger number like 18 > 9 which means 18 is greater than 9 so the crocodile eats the bigger number. We even made a human number line and ordered the numbers from smallest to greatest.
In our PE lessons this term, we have been practising our dodging skills and this week we applied our dodging techniques to a fun game of dodgeball! We played table vs table and it was so fun being able to dodge the soft dodge ball or get saved by our team mates by them catching the dodge ball.
As artists, we learnt about what tone means and practised creating dark and light tones when drawing the other half of our chosen animal. Mrs Lazzara and Mrs Reed are blown away by the Year 2 artists!
4 weeks of Year 2 complete and we are so proud!