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A Year 6 Class Post

Concluding Summer 1

This week, we have been studying and writing comics based on the Mayan Hero Twins. We discovered the different types of speech bubbles there are. Did you know that if a character has whispered, it’s generally a grey speech bubble or hashed?

In Maths, we have been reviewing our knowledge of shapes, measure and factors of numbers. Our fluency sessions have been focussed on translating shapes in a four quadrant grid.

We concluded out Art by printing our stencils onto fabric. This fabric will be mounted and displayed in the KS2 building. In P.E we have finished our learning on Rounders but taking part in a house tournament. P.E Enrichment saw us finalising our 3-weekly sessions of Frisbee and Badminton.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank parents and the children for putting such great effort into their home learning this week. We have some incredible games and are going to donate those games to Reception, Year 1 and 2.

Have a safe a happy half term. We look forward to welcoming you back in June.

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