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A Year 6 Class Post

Drama in Year 6!

We have had another busy week in year 6 and have enjoyed showing our learning in geography and science through drama.

To show the threats to the Tundra biome, we worked in small groups and chose how best to bring attention to to this issue. We had points of view from animals, scientists, lumberjacks, reporters, poachers and inhabitants. We were so pleased by the effort and imagination the children showed.

As scientists, we worked in groupsĀ  to represent the double circulation of the heart, having first watched explanatory videos. Again, each group chose unique ways of showing their learning and impressed us with their commitment.

Our RE lesson saw us developing our creative, artistic and collaborative skills through making Multi-faith Prayer rooms out of boxes and the like.

The feedback from the children has been so positive and heartening about these sessions and they have also produced some incredible pieces of persuasive writing in English from a variety of viewpoints.


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