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A Year 2 Class Post

DT Fruit tasting extravaganza

In preparation for our DT Sensational Smoothies product making, today we tasted a range of fruit and vegetables to decide what types we liked and what combinations would go well together.

We tried:

  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Orange
  • Apple
  • Strawberries
  • Cucumber
  • Blueberry

We used our key vocabulary: crunchy, sweet, smooth, sour, skin, core, juicy to describe how the fruit bite tasted in our mouths. We were very impressed that all children tried and tasted all the different fruit and vegetables even if they were not fans.

It was super fun and we cannot wait to see them designing theirĀ  smoothie and packaging next!

Parents: In 2 weeks on the 28th, we will be making our smoothies, if you would like to donate any of the fruit above for our session, we would be very grateful!Ā  Please bring it in on the day before (27th). Thanks so much for all your support.

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