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A Year 5 Class Post

Exploring poems, tales and mountain ranges!

In Year 5 we have had an exciting week, celebrating National Poetry Day yesterday, finishing our tales of John Henry and exploring solving multi-step word problems in different ways.
This week in Geography we explored different kinds of maps and then created our own topographical maps of some of the North American mountain ranges we have been learning about.
We thought about how the location of the different mountains affected their eco-systems and how they looked.
“I really liked making the mountains – it was hard trying to get the right shapes, but they looked great at the end.”
The children also wrote postcards from the mountains to show their understanding of the mountain environment.
In art we explored composition and how we can arrange the same objects to create different feelings and relationships between the objects. We practised our hatching skills drawing small compositions of blocks. Then we created a scene with our partners using different toys. We used our drawing and hatching skills to create an image of the scene – this is all good practise for creating illustrations for a class story book, which will be our final project piece in two weeks’ time.

ERIC (everyone reading in class) sessions with Year 1 and Year 3
This week, we have buddied up with another class in the school to read with a younger buddy. Walnut reading or hearing Birch readers read and Maple reading with Elm.
It was wonderful to have time to hear a younger reader read and support them read then we chose a book to read to the younger reader.
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