What a fantastic, feel good week year 2 have had!
We had the opportunity to participate in street dancing. Here is what some of the children had to say:
“I liked doing the smurf move because we used our arms and put them back and forth” – Bella
“I liked the breakdancing moves like the spider where we got to move our legs round and round” Norah
“I loved the breakdancing moves because even though they were so fast I enjoyed doing them, even if I did feel incredibly tired after” Adam R
“I loved feel good week because I got to learn new things like street dancing!” Tilly
“I liked doing the yoga, my favourite pose was the boat!” Lucy
We also got to join in with a brilliant yoga session where we retold a story using yoga poses.
“I liked the yoga because when she hit the gong it was really quiet” – Matthew
“I felt happy when I went to do yoga because it was excellent” – Arianne
We also got to enjoy a snuggly story time with Mrs Hull, where we read books sat on cushions and under cosy blankets.
“I really liked the stories in the library because we got to go under blankets and sit on pillows” – Hattie
“I have felt happy and I really liked the stories in the library” – Meg