We have been really enjoying the feeling good week activities we have participated in so far.
Yesterday we took part in a Bhangra dancing workshop.
This is what some of us had to say about the workshop:
“I liked the first dance move of the bhangra dancing because I liked waving my hands in the air.”
“I thought it was great because I’ve never done that kind of dancing before, I’ve learnt a different way to dance.”
“I liked the last move because it was really complicated and it took me ages to learn. It challenged me.”
“I liked all the moves and I was really tired, they wore me out.”
“I liked the bhangra dancing, I liked the music.”
“My favourite part of the bhangra dancing was first move as it felt most challenging. I found the second part easier and fun. I liked how the dance leader used examples I was used to, to help me.”
“I loved it, I liked how the leader described the moves as bowling balls!”
“I liked the dance because it helped me to do other dances – I can teach other dancers the moves.”