Our Learning > Our Classes

A Year 5 Class Post

First week back! YAY!

We have had a fantastic week back at school! We are so happy to be back with our class peers, teachers and classroom.

This week we have discussed the changes that we have experienced being back after remote learning and worked on understanding how to play and communicate with our friends in a kind and safe manner. We understand that after being away from our friends for a long time, we must remember to be patient and always use kind words and play safely.

We have started participated in practical activities such as reading and maths carousel activities which has been fun and allowed us to learn ourselves and apply our skills.

As scientists this week, we continued to explore our topic ‘properties of materials’ and created a new material SLIME! it was so fun and interesting to create a material that had both solid and liquid properties. We investigated and explored how each of the materials used to create slime had specific properties that can bind together to create slime.

We look forward to the next two week s of learning where we will begin our DT cooking project, become historians for a day and travel back to the Vikings time as well as science week in the last week of term.

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