Even though we had a shortened week due to the bank holiday, we have still managed to make great progress in all areas of the curriculum. In maths, we have started our unit on properties of shape, where the children have been applying their knowledge to find angles on a straight line, around a point and in triangles.
The creaion stories were absolutely wonderful and everyone has taken great care to present an attractive display piece. Miss Shaw and I have been delighted by their effort.
As scientists, we have been studying fossil evidence using the horse as an example and in RE we have been comparing the differences between local and national religions, based on the census from 2011.
PE saw cricket giving way to rounders; it is clear that the children have remembered many skills from last year as well as maintaining fair and even sporting attitudes.
We are eagerly awating the fruits of the two-week home learning project on an aspect of the local area. It was great to be able to interview Mr McAdam in class as part of our research into the history of the school. Many thanks to him for his invaluable contributions.
The Friday PE enrichment sessions have been very popular; what a lovely way to end the week!