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A Year 4 Class Post

Hello from Kingswood!

Evening all!


We arrived safely this afternoon and got straight down to business. All the children made their beds successfully (some with more help than others!) and went off to the first activity of the trip. These activities were, fencing, shelter building and bushcraft and problem solving.

Although a wet start, a fab time was had by all and after a quick change, it was time to meet our team and discuss what we were going to be learning over the next couple óf days. The children thought about resilience, confidence and life skills and how these are going to be incorporated into the activities we will be getting up to.

The children are now currently at mini olympics and are having a fantastic time racing each other and completing some very funny tasks (acting, miming etc).

If I can get the cameras to play ball tomorrow, I will upload some pictures of the children doing their activities.

Miss Shepherd

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