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A Year 5 Class Post

Hockey and crafting Aztec artefacts!

The last two weeks we have been learning about hockey.
In Maple, at the start of the lesson we practised dribbling to see if we could add in any skills we know. One of the many skills we showed was Indian dribbling which is where you twist and turn the stick at different angles.
We learnt how to do forward dribbling and turning with sticks, as well as playing an accuracy game where you have to hit the ball through the cones to earn points. Then finally we played 4 v 4 games against other teams.
“One day I could become a professional hockey player and go onto use the skills I learnt at Samuel Lucas in a real game – or just a normal one!”
In Walnut, we practised our dribbling, passing and shooting skills in the game Channel Hockey where only one of our players were allowed in the channel when our team were in possession of the ball.  It was fun and tricky to think about where we could space ourselves out to allow opportunities to create movement or scoring.
In History, we added to our Aztecs learning by creating our own Aztec artefact our of air dough and will decorate it next week and add an Aztec manual to place into our time capsule which we will open next year in year 6 when we learn about the amazing Aztecs again!

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