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A Sports Class Post

Intra House Tournaments!

KS2 have worked incredibly hard this half term to acquire and develop new and existing football skills. We finished the half term with all of the children representing their house teams in an afternoon of Football matches. The sports leaders have put in a lot of effort to help organise, referee and score the matches so a big thank you to those children as well.

The focus was not only on showing their skills, knowledge and understanding but also to display aspects of teamwork, respect and sportsmanship as they had discussed in the recent Premier League Primary Stars assembly.

We have had three great afternoons with Years 3 -6 all taking part.

The winning houses are as follows:

Year 3 – McArthur

Year 4 – Simmonds

Years 5/6 – McArthur

Overall – McArthur

Here are a few action shots:

Year 3….

Year 5/6……..

Year 4…

This half term the children will learn the skills for a variety of Sportshall athletics events before competing in their house teams before the Christmas break. Well done everyone for three really enjoyable afternoons!

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