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A Year 4 Class Post

Larch’s final post of 2020

In Larch, we have learned about lots of different things.

We have learned to write reports using what, why, when and where. We wrote our reports about Diwali and we also wrote some on Hitchin for our local geography project. We then used these skills that we  had learned to write a report independently about some of our favourite topics, including: myself, plants, Minecraft, football, video games and dragons.

In English, we also enjoyed the Day Box topic. We took the story ‘The Night Box’ and created our own versions called ‘The Day Box’ for Key Stage 1 children. We then took our stories and created books using our publishing and illustrating skills.

In Art, we looked at Renoir’s Umbrellas and we then created our own umbrellas using weaving skills. We focused on the different colours of the painting to try and replicate the umbrellas- Miss Shepherd thought they looked beautiful!

We also learned about electricity in Science and learned how to create a circuit using wires, bulbs, bulb holders and batteries. We used different amounts of equipment to see what happened to a bulb when we used a larger amount of batteries. We then recorded this in our Science books. These skills came in super handy when creating our D & T project, nightlights. At first, we started off looking at different night lights for research. After we had done our design, we started making our own nightlights. Once we had made our circuits, the next step was to paint it and decorate it. Finally, we evaluated our work, we wrote down what went well and what could be even better.


Here are some of the pupils favourite memories of year 4 so far:

‘My favourite topic has been learning to divide by 100’- James

‘My favourite thing has been making our nightlights.’- Frank

‘I really enjoyed the Year 4 football club.’ -Rudy

‘I liked making my Day Box because they were fun to write and they could be as descriptive as we liked. ‘Dylan

‘I really liked making and decorating our night light because it was really fun.’ Bella N

I felt I wouldn’t catch up when I started Year 4 but it has been a lot more fun than I thought it would be.’ Alice

I learned my 12 times tables off by heart.’ -Esmee

‘I really enjoyed English, it was really interesting this year beacuse of the figurative language.’ -Rosie

‘I loved using the ropes in PE!’- Daniel (This was a favourite by most of the class!)

‘I really liked learning about Narnia because it was very creative.’- Lauren

‘I really liked learning how to be safe on the internet.’- Milo

‘I think Miss Shepherd is really nice.’ – Clemie

‘I really enjoyed the netball.’ -Ellie

All that’s left to say is thank you so much for all your help with home learning and helping the children throughout this term. Have a lovely break and Merry Christmas!


Miss Shepherd and Larch class

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