Squares and cubes!
We learnt about square and cube numbers by making our own squares and cubes to prove that a square is a whole number multiplied by itself. Like 2 x 2 = 4 or 2².
A cube number is a number multiplied by itself twice. This can also be called ‘a number cubed’. The symbol for cubed is ³. We practised finding the squared and cubed number by using our times tables and multiplication calculations.
In writing, we finished writing our own instructional text.
“My instructional text was about how to look after a dragon”- Max (Walnut)
“My instructional text was about to take care of a puppy and then, How to build a Den that your sibling can’t get into to!” – Lilly Wise
“My instructional text was on How to look after a Guinea Pig then I made a fun instructional text on how to make Pesto Pasta with extra cheese!” – Violet
” My first instructional text was about How to look after Guinea Pig then my fun instructional text was how to do a backflip!” -Austin