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A Year 2 Class Post

Last Week of Autumn Term 1!

What a busy and fantastic half term the year 2s have had! We are so impressed with all of the learning they have done and we hope they have a well deserved rest of half term!

As writers we used our editing skills to improve our Four Delicious Monsters stories. We then published and illustrated our work which we can’t wait to share with you at open evening.

As mathematicians we have been introduced to the column method as an effective method of adding two 2digit numbers. We learnt the rule: First we add the ones, then we add the tens.

As artists we have been developing our drawing skills. First we explored the work of notable artists, using our observational skills to understand how they had created their work. We then created keyholes and used them to recreate some of the artwork using our mark making skills. Next we explored how to create tone and then how to create patterns and texture. As our final outcome, we then drew our own animal and applied all the skills we had learnt to create it!

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