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A Year 3 Class Post

Looking forward to swimming

In Ash class we are really looking forward to starting swimming Monday.

As a class we have discussed all the things we need in our swimming bag and the things we can bring if we would like them.

  • Swimming costume / trunks worn under clothing (as we have the first session of the day)
  • A swimming bag or plastic bag so that our other things in our school bag don’t get wet
  • Underwear to change into after swimming
  • A warm coat, and any other items to keep us warm after swimming (as we will have wet hair if we do not have a swimming hat)
  • A snack for break time, if we think that we might be hungry (optional)
  • A swimming hat (for long hair, or optionally to keep our hair dry)
  • Goggles (optional)

We will be leaving promptly at 9am to make our swimming session, so please try to be at school by 8.45am as usual. Please tie any long hair back and remove earrings if possible.

Thanks for your help getting us ready parents / guardians.
Let’s have a great time swimming!

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