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A Year 1 Class Post

Lost and Found and Adding within numbers to 20

During Spring Term so far, the children have been working very hard in their English and Maths to develop their writing and the maths learning.

In English, Year 1 have been reading the story ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.  With each week we have read different parts of the story and used the to help us focus on several key aspects of writing.  We have:

  • Written sentences using the conjunctions and, but and because,
  • Used adjectives to describe characters and settings,
  • Used the present tense to write non-fiction factual sentences about penguins,
  • Created ‘Lost’ posters for the penguin as part of writing for different purposes and
  • Thought of and written question for some of the characters and exclamation sentences explaining events in the story.

Throughout all of our writing, we have continued to remind the children that in Year 1 our we need to use Super Star sentences.  These consist of: 1. Capital Letter, 2. Full Stop, 3. Finger Spaces, 4. Spellings (using phonics), 5. Reading our work back,

In maths, the children have been building on their knowledge of addition from Autumn term and looked at ways of developing it further with numbers to 20.  Year 1 have been trying to use their prior learning about number bonds within 10 to help them with numbers to 20.  For example, children would know that 4 + 3 = 7 and if we know this, when we add 10 more, we know that 14 + 3 = 17.  This is also the case for number bonds to 10, i.e. if we know that 5 + 5 = 10, we know 15 + 5 = 10 and 10 more has been added.  To support them with this, the children have been using number lines, tens frames and bead strings.  We have also been playing games to help us with this and would recommend visiting the following link to continue practising these number bonds – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Thank you to all of Year 1 for being such fantastic learners in our English and maths.  It has been really lovely seeing all of the ways in which the children have been developing their skills as writers and mathematicians, they should be very proud of themselves!

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 1 Team.

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