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A Year 5 Class Post

Moving Towards the End of Term…

The Big Draw-along

Unfortunately there was an internet outage on Monday, which meant that the children participated in a teacher-led draw-along. It is amazing to see how much progress the children have made in their drawings this year. We completed continuous line drawings, backwards and forwards drawings, mark-copying from famous drawings and finally applying all these skills to drawing our own special objects. As I was drawing along too, I forgot to take photos of the children’s work but I will rectify this and post some next week. Thank you for your support with this; it was lovely to see all the objects the children had brought in.



This week we practised our CAD skills, using the 2DesignandMake program that we learnt to use earlier in the year. We built nets using the toy designs we came up with last week and then popped them on top of a frame with an eccentric cam if we wanted the toy to go up and down or on a regular cam if we wanted our toy to spin. Thank you to Walnut for letting Maple using the lego most of the day; it’ll be your turn next week!


Year 5 Celebration Assembly

The children have also been busy writing and practising the end of term celebration assembly. We are very much looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday afternoon to share and show off our learning from this term. See you there!

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