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A Year 2 Class Post

Number bonds to 10 and 100, wood lice and learning more about Grace Darling!

We have added to our adding and subtracting learning by practising our number bonds to 10 and 100 using our tens frames, dienes and number squares to counting ones and create number sentences such as 8 +2= 10 and 80 + 20 = 100.

In science, we added to our learning in Living things and their habitats by investigating which habitat is most suitable for wood lice. We chose a table member from each table group to go with Mrs Barclay outside to find woodlice then we predicted which chamber they would prefer from 4 different choice chambers. We then observed which choice chamber the woodlice preferred. We found out they preferred dark and damp. We discovered that wood lice in their natural environment, woodlice are found in damp, dark places (e.g. under stones and amongst rotting wood/leaf litter). They dry out quickly in dry air (e.g. in the open and/or in bright sunlight). In conclusion, Year 2 scientists concluded that Woodlice prefer the dark damp conditions because they feel like the dark protects them by hiding under stones and this is hiding from predators.

In PE, we have focused on our ABCS- agility, balance and coordination. We learnt that coordination means using different parts of our body at the same time. We practised eye and feet coordination in PE by dribbling our ball around the cones and kicking towards a target, we understood after a few tries that we need to keep the ball close between our feet to control the ball and we must look at our surroundings and target to have better aim and control of where we are dribbling and kicking.

In History, we added to our Grace Darling learning by understanding how people during Grace Darling’s time lived. We learnt it was called the Victorian era and discovered that people lived different at that time. In our learning choice time, we chose how we wanted to show our learning. Beautiful posters, informative drawings of the transport and diary entries of those living in Victorian times was created.


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