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A Reception Class Post

Nursery Rhyme Week


This week is World Nursery Rhyme week, so we will be having a Nursery rhyme focus. We will be singing a different rhyme each day, with the five rhymes being:

Five Currant Buns

Humpty Dumpty

Round and Round the garden

A sailor went to sea

I’m a little teapot

In each Nursery Rhyme we will be identifying which words rhyme and going on to create a Nursery Rhyme of our own. The children will be encouraged to continue a rhyming string ie: cat, hat, bat. They will have opportunities to make their own props to help them sing the rhymes and related activities such as making boats for the sailor to go to sea in!

In our phonics sessions we will be learning the sounds “j”, l” and “f” and the tricky words “no” and “go”.

In maths we will be comparing amounts. We will be deciding when there is more, less or the same.

You can help by:

Reading with your child every day and recording it in their reading records. Asking your child to sing you the rhymes they have been learning at school and any others that are their favourites, picking out the rhyming words as they do. Comparing amounts, during daily activities, such as during meal times, or when your children are playing with toys, and seeing who has the most, least or same amount.

If you do get chance to support your child with any of the above we would love to hear about it on a note from home. We will put two in children’s bags this week, so that if you’ve not had chance yet to let us know about the things your family celebrates you are able to do that too. Thank you.

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