The whole school is embarking on a very exciting project based on the book Frog Belly Rat Bone. We were introduced to the book, in which a boy, who lives in Cementland, finds a box of treasure. The treasure turns out to be seeds which need planting, watering and protecting in order to grow.
Each class have now planted their own seeds in the environmental area, which has sadly become neglected and started to look a little like Cementland in itself, so by the end of the term it will be transformed into a marvellous medley of vegetables and foliage.
Year 5 were very enthusiastic on Friday when they got the chance to plant their potatoes. They had to dig trenches into the soil before positioning the seed-potatoes using a ruler to ensure they were the correct distance apart. Each potato was then covered in compost then buried back under the soil. They were watered to start the magic happening – the germination process – and from now on the children will take it in turns to keep the area watered and weeded in order to grow a healthy crop of delicious potatoes.