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A Year 4 Class Post

Open Evening

On Wednesday evening, we held our open evening. It was so lovely to see so many of you coming round to see your child’s learning. We really hope you enjoyed the experience.

The children have worked incredibly hard this term in all areas of the curriculum and we are so proud of their work. We have included an overview of the work that was included in the outcomes so you can see what we have learned over the last term.



We displayed our learning from our unit on transport, the classes focused on local, national and international transport across the unit. We began by thinking about the different types of transport we would see locally in big towns or cities like London. We created a list of the different types of transport and then sorted them into high pollution and low pollution groups. We then had to take on the role of city planners and design posters showing the different types of eco-friendly transport that could be used in cities instead of cars and other higher polluting modes of transport.

Next, we looked at national transport. The children looked at national statistics for how people commute to work. We then discussed the statistics and compared them to how our parents commute. We found that some parents no longer commute as they work from home due to the pandemic. We then used our graphing skills to create a bar graph showing the national statistics and the class statistics.

Finally, we looked at international transport. We focused on the movement of goods around the world and how ships are incredibly important for this. We researched the Panama and Suez Canals. The two canals are incredibly important for transporting goods between countries. We then used our research to create factfiles about one of the canals.

We also included our learning on the structure of rivers. We created models of a river and labelled the different parts. We included the source that begins in the mountains, meanders, river bed, flood plain and the mouth of the river.



In History, we have been exploring the Romans. We analysed various Roman artefacts and imagined we were historians to create questions and predictions of what each item could be. We also completed a research task on a Roman Emperor. The children used various resources to find out who they were and what impact they had on Roman society.

We then discovered that after the Romans came the Anglo-Saxons, from Germany and Scandinavia. The children used a map to show where the Anglo-Saxons came from and how Kingdoms were formed in different parts of the country.Whilst learning about the Anglo-Saxons, we learnt about the story of Beowulf. Through the story of Beowulf, Historians have discovered that the Anglo-Saxons created a Heroic Code that men were to strive towards. The children used their knowledge of the heroic code and the story of Beowulf, to create a wanted poster asking for people to defend the King against the monster, Grendel.



In RE, we have been exploring faith and worship. We have looked at different ceremonies that celebrate different milestones and the symbols behind them. The children took this learning and applied it to their own ceremonies of adulthood. They had to create a ceremony in which 18 year olds are declared adults.

We then considered where different people pray and reflect. We came up with a number of ideas, including at home, outside and in places of worship. We took these ideas as inspiration and designed and created our own prayer spaces. These spaces are based on areas that we would choose to reflect in.


In Science, we have been exploring teeth. We first learnt the correct scientific names for each tooth. We observed how the different types of teeth have different shapes due to their function. The children used their knowledge to create their own mouth using card and marshmallows. They shaped the marshmallows according to their function and labelled the four main types of teeth.

We then explored how to keep our teeth clean and healthy. The children set up an experiment using 6 egg shells acting as our teeth. Each egg was placed into a different liquid for one week to see if there would be a change. After one week, we took the eggs out of the liquids and found each liquid had changed the egg in different ways. Take a look at our results! We used this experiment to learn which liquids we should be drinking in order to protect our teeth.

We began our topic ‘Living things and their habitat’ by classifying animals into a variety of groups using a branching database. The children needed to come up with questions to separate the animals, for example, does this animal have wings?


In Art, we have been focusing on our sculpting and printing skills using Roman jewellery as our inspiration. We began our unit by looking at Roman jewellery designs. We used technical vocabulary to describe these designs and sketched some of the examples in our sketchbooks. After we had gathered ideas from existing pieces, we began to design our print tiles. We thought carefully about the patterns in the jewellery and how they could be used to create an interesting print. We designed up to four designs before choosing our final design to make on the tile. We created our tiles by using string to build the outline on a piece of cardboard. We had to evaluate and edit our design in places to ensure that it was suitable for our tile.  Most children found that by layering string or plaiting it they created a more defined outline. Then we used our printing skills to create our final end point.

In sculpture, we followed the same process as printing. We used our Roman jewellery as inspiration for our own pieces of jewellery. Using these pieces, we created different designs for our jewellery. We thought carefully about pattern and shape whilst designing. We then began to sculpt our jewellery out of clay. We used a range of different skills, shaping, cutting, joining and making to create our final pieces. We then painted them to create a metallic look.



In Design and Technology, we began by investigating existing Pop-up books to see how they work and what different designs can be created. We absolutely loved looking through the various Pop-up books and noting down our favourite type of mechanisms.

Next, we completed a focussed task, exploring how mechanisms are created using split pins. We worked in partners and followed instructions to create different mechanisms. We learnt that we needed to have some fixed pivots and some loose pivots in order for the moment to happen.

After our investigating, we then designed what our Pop-up books would look like. We used the Legends that we wrote in English to base our books on. We drew our designs and chose which mechanism would be on each page.

We then moved onto the making stage. Using a range of materials, the children followed their designs to complete their Pop-up book. We made sure to have one mechanism per page in order to achieve the brief.

Lastly, we evaluated the entire process of making Pop-up books. The children considered what went well, what perhaps didn’t go to plan and what they can learn from this for next time.



In Computing, we have been looking at 2calculate. We began by reviewing our previous learning and exploring a spreadsheet showing spelling scores. We then used the spreadsheet to calculate percentages using formula. After that, we example decimal places and how to show numbers with up to two decimal places. We then applied our Maths knowledge to create times table games. We used random number tools as well as the equals and multiply functions. Next, we looked at budgeting. We were given a budget of £1000 to create our ideal birthday party. We were allowed DJs, swimming, soft play and all the food that we wanted! However, we were then told our budget had been slashed to £300. Check out our budgets and see how we got on. Finally, we used our knowledge of place value and 2calculate to create a place value tool. The tool used images with different values to create numbers.








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