We have had a busy return to all things PESSPA in school after the Christmas break.
EYFS – we have been developing our core movements in our first lesson back and combining these with ball skills using our hands. The focus for ball skills is on bouncing and catching, rolling and stopping. As the children have been discovering various occupations on their return to school – we have combined this theme with our learning in PE.
Year 1 – Our learning has begun with a Gymnastics unit where our focus is on the theme of ‘Wide, Narrow and Curled’. We are looking at creating shapes, movements and balances that incorporate this theme as well as looking at how we transfer them onto the apparatus.
Year 2 – have also been working on a gymnastics unit. We have been looking into the theme of ‘Linking’. So far we have looked at how we link a type of roll to a movement, balance or shape and thought about how we transition from one to the other whilst making it flow smoothly. We have also looked at how these might transfer onto the apparatus.
Year 3 – we have been discovering the theme of Symmetry and Asymmetry in our gymnastics lessons and looking at how these shapes, movements and balances might look. We have also thought about how we can be creative and develop our own ideas.
Year 4 – have started work on a Communication and Tactics unit that challenges us to problem solve, use our decision making skills, take on a leadership role and create our own tactics/strategies. Our learning from this unit can be transferred into a variety of sports, so our challenge will be to select the skills we need to use in a variety of scenarios.
Year 5 – we have been learning about Counter Balance and Counter Tension in Gymnastics. So far the children have developed their Counter Balance skills on the floor and have looked at applying our learning onto the apparatus.
Year 6 – have been working on a Titanic themed unit of Dance. We have looked at the story of the Titanic and pooled together our knowledge to create ship balances, the ship docking at port and also looked at the different social classes aboard the ship and how they might have moved and conducted themselves. We have thought about interpretation, emotion and expression when creating our sequences.
Physical Activity
Enrichment has restarted with added activities including a Nature Scavenger Hunt, 60 second challenges and Spikeball.
School Sport
We have a busy couple of months ahead with football and netball fixtures in the diary with Ickleford and William Ransom respectively. We will also be participating in a Year 5 girls netball festival at St.Francis school. The end of season Netball rallies are also pencilled in to take place at Highover and Whitehill schools.
There will also be opportunities for Year 4 children in an U9 Speedstacking competition, an U9 Dodgeball festival and we also have some Year 4 football fixtures organised.
The term ends with an U11 Hockey festival and Hockey Competition at Blueharts Hockey Club.
Well done everyone, you have made a really positive start to the new term – keep up the good work!