It has been a busy half term for all things physical in school!
Reception have been working to develop and improve their Jumping skills. We have explored jumping in a variety of ways as well as jumping for distance and height. To finish our learning we have looked at applying the skills we have acquired into different games.
In years 1 and 2 we have been working hard on a Health and Wellbeing unit over the last three weeks with a focus on agility, balance and co-ordination. We have talked about what this means, how we need to use our bodies to develop these areas and how they can help us in different sports.
Years 3 and 4 are continuing to develop and improve their cricket skills. We have discussed the importance of positioning our fielders in the right areas so that we can try and reduce the number of runs the batting team score and worked to put this into practice. Both year groups are also having a swimming lesson once a week currently.
Years 5 and 6 are consolidating their understanding of Rounders and applying their skills into game scenarios. We have worked on the importance of returning the ball to second or fourth post and reacting quickly to get the batter out at first post if the batter doesn’t hit the ball.
School Sport
Both the girls football team and two year 4 football teams have participated in a festival at Wilshere Dacre School in the last few weeks. It was a joy to have children back enjoying playing again and everyone represented the school brilliantly. As well as playing some excellent football – the teamwork, effort and attitude was faultless. Well done all!
Physical Activity Enrichment
The classes have changed to a new activity as of Friday last week (14th) as we continue to try new things, learn new skills and explore the different ways in which we can be active.