This week has seen Years 5 and 6 performing Peter Pan to a grand total of six audiences! On Monday, the dress rehearsals took place in front of years 1-4, followed by four performances to parents on Tuesday and Thursday.
We are so proud of what the children have achieved over the last few weeks; many have surprised themselves with what they are capable of and we hope that they will continue to develop their specific skills in future. Thank you to all those who attended and for the many appreciative and positive messages we have received.
Wednesday evening saw the culmination of our Isle of Wight projects as we displayed them for open evening. As well as rehearsing the play to a very high standard, we have been working incredibly hard since half term to use cross-curricular skills to create a varied and interesting record of our time on the Isle of Wight.
Here are the contents of our topic books:
Front cover – computing skills importing photos and designing a layout
Contents page
Diary in role as an adult
PowerPoint of choice based on favourite experiences
Robin Hill maths task
Observational historical sketch of either Carisbrooke Castle, Osborne House or HMS Victory
The Peppered Moth Story – historical link to Industrial Revolution and scientific link to natural selection to link with fossil evidence at Isle of Wight
Word search
PSHE writing: How has the Isle of Wight helped me?
Map work : using a map to locate places and 6- figure grid references on the Isle of Wight – geography skills
How the Ventnor Landslides happen – geography link with coastal erosion and physical processes
Newspaper report on recent (June 2022) discovery of Europe’s largest predator fossils found on the Isle of Wight
Friendship photo page
Water colour art based on a chosen location on the Isle of Wight
A six-session group maths project inspired by our time at Blackgang Chine: Theme Park project. Designing, budget building, estimated running costs, working out profits.
In addition to the above, the children had three weeks to produce a piece of choice about their Isle of Wight experience. We were incredibly impressed by the variety and standard of the work submitted.
We have continued our SRE lessons too this week, learning about the development of the baby from conception to birth.
In preparation for Sports Day next week, both year 6 classes combined to create House Banners on fabric which can be left as their legacy for their time at Samuel Lucas.
Finally, the children wrote an independent piece all about what skills they had developed during their time rehearsing and performing in Peter Pan. It was so lovely to read their positive thoughts and messages.