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A Year 3 Class Post

Reading Stars and Home Learning

Hello from Miss Painter and Miss Clapp!

Well done to all of Year 3 for completing your 2nd whole week back. You have been great!

We would like to remind children of our non-negotiables when writing:

Year 3 Non Negotiables

  • Capital letters correctly used at the beginning of a sentence and for proper nouns
  • Full stops (one dot) at the end of sentences.
  • Capital I for the pronoun.
  • All capital and lowercase letters formed correctly and placed on the line.
  • DUMTUM (Date, Underline, Miss a line, Title, Underline, Miss a line)
  • All High Frequency Words on display to be spelt correctly.

As of next week Mrs McLaughlin and Miss Gray will be taking note of the children who have read 5 times with an adult. If they can see 5 adult signatures they will sign a star which indicates your child can colour in a star. Happy reading!

If children at any point have to self isolate, we will be putting activities to complete on Purple Mash. Maths will be emailed to parents, and the videos will be on the White Rose website as before. Passwords should be stuck in your child’s reading record.

We hope you enjoy our parent presentation video, please get in touch with the office if you have any questions regarding Year 3.



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