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A Reception Class Post

Reception 2021 – Autumn 1 Week 2

Hello from Lilac and Willow, what a fun week we have had in Reception.

This week:

Thank you so much for helping your children with their ‘Summer Treasure Hunt’ activities. It is really pleasing to see how excited the children are to share their treasures and lovely to find out more about your children.

We have been enjoying lots of listening activities as part of the children’s Phonics. These have included listening to various sounds including environmental sounds and percussive instruments. The children are working hard to develop their listening skills and be able to identify and recollect the differences between sounds. We have also started challenging the children to listen, remember and repeat a pattern they have heard. We certainly have had lots of fun having a go at this and we’re so pleased with how the children have persevered and tried their best – well done everyone!

We also love listening to songs and nursery rhymes throughout our day in Reception. If you and your children would like to sing any of these at home, please follow the link below. BBC Nursery Rhymes


Next week:

  • Music lessons will begin on Tuesday.
  • PE lessons will start on Wednesday 22nd September.
  • In Phonics we will be thinking the initial sounds in words.
  • In Maths we will be learning to develop skills of comparison; thinking about the language we used to compare similarities and differences.


Supporting your child at home:

  • As we are now enjoying our school lunches in the dinner hall using cutlery and a tray, please help your child to practise using a knife and fork.
  • Clap out a rhythm for your child and ask them to listen, remember and repeat. Sweet Beats
  • Model using comparative language such as less, more and same to describe objects at home or whilst you’re out and about e.g. 2 glasses with different amounts of deciding, different sized leaves in the park etc.)
  • Encourage your child to ask questions that start with a question word e.g. who, what, when, where, why and how.
  • If your child is asked a question, encourage them to give some details e.g. “I got the toy on holiday with my family”.


Any other information:

  • PE – Please remember that on a PE day, your child should arrive in school dressed in their PE Kit.
  • At Samuel Lucas we are a Healthy School. Just a reminder that chocolate snacks, sweets and flavoured squash are not suitable for school packed lunches thank you.
  • Please could you provide a pair of wellies for your child to have in school.

Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Fisher and Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers.

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