Hello from Lilac and Willow, we have had a great week.
This week
This week we’ve continued our learning about Autumn Festivals by learning about Remembrance Day. The children heard about the origins of Remembrance Day and found out why we wear poppies today. They also brilliantly observed a 2 minutes’ silence at 11 o’clock – well done Reception!
The children this week wanted to learn about how fireworks are made. We also spent time this week using our senses to describe how fireworks look, move and sound. They created some fantastic firework pictures using various materials including chalk, paint and oil pastels.
In Phonics this week, we have learnt new graphemes e, u and r as well as revisiting previously learned sounds. The children have also started to use their prior knowledge to help them segment (sound out) and then blend to read simple CVC words such as cat, pat, pin, dog. The children are working hard making attempts to apply their phonic knowledge in their writing. We are really proud of their perseverance and determination to do their very best writing, well done Reception!
In Maths the children used the words ‘more,’ ‘less’ and ‘the same’ to compare the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
We started our enrichment activities this week, some children enjoyed learning how to build dens as well as threading and weaving. Some children also had the opportunity to make fruit kebabs as part of our learning about food preparation and hygiene. A group of children also had the chance to undertake some wood work and learnt how to use the wood work tools safely. Over the course of the term all of the children will have the opportunity to undertake each of the different enrichment activities.
Next Week
- We will be celebrating National Nursery Rhyme Week by enjoying lots of Nursery Rhymes and starting our week dressing up as our favourite Nursery Rhyme characters.
- The children will continue visiting the Library in small groups as part of our weekly local trips.
- In Phonics, we will continue learning new sounds in Phase 2 (h and b) as well as applying what we have already learnt to continue segmenting and blending for reading and writing.
- In Maths, children will be learning about the composition of numbers 1,2 and 3 and exploring the concept of part whole.
- We will continue to learn our songs for our Reception Nativity called “Whoops-a-Daisy Angel.’
- On Friday we are celebrating Children in Need.
Supporting your child at home
- Help your child to build constructive and respectful relationships by congratulating your child for their kindness to others, and express your approval when they help, listen to and support other people.
- Encourage your child to be resilient and to persevere in the face of a challenge by showing them mistakes are an important part of learning and going back is trial and error, not failure.
Any other information
- CHILDREN IN NEED – This year the school will again be supporting BBC’s Children in Need appeal. It takes place on Friday 19th November and we will be inviting the children to come to school dressed up for the day. They could choose from wearing something yellow or spotty or choose something extra colourful to make everyone smile!
- MONSTER PHONICS – From now on, we will be putting the monster phonics weekly sheet on Tapestry each week.
- WHOOPS-A-DAISY ANGEL – Please look out for information about your child’s nativity costume in books bags this week.
- COLD WEATHER – As the weather gets colder please can you please ensure that your child has a coat in school.
We hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs Fisher and Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers