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A Reception Class Post

Reception 2021 – Summer 1 Week 6

Hello from Reception, we hope you are all having a wonderful week!

This week

This week the children read the story What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday by Julia Donaldson.  The story sees Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh planning to steal a monkey from the zoo and use it to pinch the Queen’s crown. It’s a pity for them that a certain crime-busting ladybird is holidaying in the very same city and she’s got a good idea that will ensure the dastardly pair won’t get away with it!  With a whole host of noisy zoo-animal characters to meet and even a cameo from the Queen, the ladybird thwarts their plan.

The children thought about how the Queen sometimes lives in London and we spent the week finding about the Queen, the royal family tree, wedding celebrations of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip and the Queen’s coronation.

At the end of the week we undertook preparations for the Royal Jubilee celebrations.  The children had the opportunity to make crowns, flags and bunting.  On Friday the Reception classes took part in the Jubilee picnic with the rest of the school.  As part of our celebrations, the children also went to ‘Knight School’ where they took part in team games in order to train to be a knight for the Queen.  This involved riding a horse (hockey stick) along an obstacle course, practising their throwing (aiming beanbags at targets) and protecting the dragon’s egg (passing a ball up and over their heads).  The children did such a fantastic job and all became Knights of the Realm.

In Maths, the children were learning about number bonds to ten including the inverse operation.  We did this practically and all of the children participated by either being ten frogs on and off of lily pads, ten green bottles on and off the wall, ten little men in and out of flying saucers and 10 in and out of the bed.

In Phonics we continued applying our phonics knowledge by practising blending to read and write CCVCC words.

The children were very excited to see our book buddies again on Friday. We enjoyed hearing the children talk about the stories that they had fun with. We look forward to seeing what the book buddies have got up to and will be ready to welcome them back to school on Monday 6th June.

We would like to say well done to all of the children that have completed the reading challenge so far – great work!  If you haven’t had the chance to complete the challenge yet don’t worry there is still time for you to upload your challenges to Tapestry.  Please can you upload any outstanding observations before Wednesday the 8th of June – we can’t wait to see how you have all got on with it.  As a reminder:

Week 1 – Read a book outside
Week 2 – Read anything but a book
Week 3 – Read a book and review it.
Week 4 – Listen to a story using technology.
Week 5 – Look up a fact in a non-fiction book.


We hope you all have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing you all in Summer 2!


Mrs Fisher and Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers

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