Hello and welcome back from Reception, we hope you all had a fun filled half term.
This week
The children had a very egg-citing delivery on Tuesday, two incubators with several eggs in each. There were some fantastic suggestions as to what might be in the eggs and to help inspire their imaginations, we read the book ‘Whose Egg?’ by Lynette Evans which has a wide variety of eggs from different animals and clues to help us predict what will hatch. After all of the wonderful ideas the book gave them, the children cleverly worked out that they were chicks inside our eggs. The children were very pleased to hear that the chicks were going to hatch over the next few days, and our job was to look after the chicks until the farmer comes back to collect them next week. The farmer told the teachers that a lot could happen each day, so we talked with the children about keeping a diary to keep a daily record of the different events so that we could remember everything that happens. This was another opportunity for the children to practise using the past tense in their writing, as well as applying their phonic knowledge to tell us their observations of the eggs.
The children didn’t have to wait long to see some small fluffy chicks appear in their incubators, and by the end of the week all the chick had safely moved from the incubators into their larger brooder boxes. During the rest of the week, we also read some simple instructions that we could follow to help us look after the chicks. We are very much looking forward to seeing them continue to grow and hope to give them a run around in our homemade chick enclosures.
In Phonics this week, we heard the Monster Phonics version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. As we heard it, we practised applying our phonic knowledge to segment and blend key phrases in the story. The children also had a chance to practise their phonics by writing down sentences using words from the story, as well as some key tricky words.
In Maths, the children have has the opportunity to show us much they have learnt across all of the topics covered so far in Reception, by practising and consolidate their learning in a practical carousel of activities. These activities included doubling, sharing equally, finding odd and even number, making number bonds to 5 and number bonds to 10.
Next week
- We will be reading the traditional tale Chicken Licken.
- In Phonics, we will continue to practise applying our phonic knowledge using the story of The Three Goats.
- In Maths, we will continue to practise and consolidate the skills we’ve learnt so far this year with our practical carousel of activities.
Supporting your child at home
- Narrate events and actions out loud for your child to hear, for example “I knew it must be hot outside because Mummy was putting on her sunglasses on.” This will help support your child to connect one idea or action to another using a range of conjunctions.
- Help your child to develop good personal hygiene by acknowledging and praise their efforts. Provide regular reminders about thorough handwashing and toileting. This will support your child to further develop skills they need to manage the school day successfully.
- Model how you read and re-read your own writing to check it makes sense. This will encourage your child to re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.
Any other information
- WARM WEATHER – In warm weather children will need a named sun hat. Please apply long lasting sun cream before they arrive at school. Please can you make sure that a named water bottle is in school every day.
We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Fisher and Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers