This week:
We introduced Phase 2 phonics to the children, following the Monster Phonics scheme. The children learnt the sounds; ‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t’ and ‘p’. We learnt how they sound on their own and at the beginning of words and we also practiced spotting them in simple words such as ‘sit’, ‘tap’, ‘pit’ etc. We use the words ‘segment’, to break up a word into the sounds it makes and ‘blending’ when these sounds are blended back together to hear the word. For more information on how we teach phonics and reading, please come to our phonics and maths information evening being held on Tuesday 4th October 6:30-7:15pm.
In maths we have been learning about how to sort and group objects, talking about the reasoning behind grouping them in a certain way.
We have told social stories about the characters Max and Millie, discussed the rules at school and why we have them. We have also been talking about what it is to be unique and what makes each of us special.
Next week:
We will be continuing to support the children to explore the environment in different ways. We will continue our Monster Phonics and will be looking at comparing amounts in maths.
You can help by:
-Ensuring all items of clothing, water bottles etc are named please
-Working with your child to help them practise taking their jumpers on and off independently and rolling up their sleeve for handwashing
-Continue to play games with your child to support their listening skills and hearing initial sounds in words; e.g ‘What sound can you hear at the beginning of ‘dog’?’
-Supporting with their oral blending of simple words such as ‘Can you put on your ‘c-oa-t?’
-You could also help you to sort socks into pairs
Class blog:
As we continue throughout the year, we will use the Class Blog as a means of regular communication between school and home. We will tell you about:
- What’s happened during each week
- What’s coming up
- Ideas about supporting your child at home
- Any other information you may need to know
-Please sign the behaviour booklet and return to school.
Have a good weekend.