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A Reception Class Post

Reception Autumn 1, week 4

This week: 

We continued with our Monster Phonics scheme. We introduced the letters ‘i’ and ‘n’ to the children. We began our small group reading sessions and we sent home the children’s first reading books. The children have been given one reading book without words that they can re-tell a story with, this is to support comprehension and story structure. The other picture book is one that they have chosen from our classroom and this is to share with you at home.. For more information on how we teach phonics and reading, please come to our phonics and maths information evening being held on Tuesday 4th October 6:30-7:15pm.


In maths we have been comparing amounts and talking about more and less/fewer.


We have introduced our Mr Men and Little Miss Characters through stories and have spoken about their characteristics and linked them to the Early Years Characteristics of Effective Learning. The staff in Reception have been looking out for and praising the children when they have display these key characteristics at school.


Next week:

We will be continuing to support the children to explore the environment in different ways and promoting independence in all areas. We will continue our Monster Phonics and support the children further with letter formation. In maths we will be learning how to compare size, mass and capacity.


You can help by:
-Ensuring all items of clothing, water bottles etc are named please
-Working with your child to help them practise taking their jumpers on and off independently and rolling up their sleeve for handwashing

-Continue to play games with your child to support their listening skills and hearing initial sounds in words; e.g ‘What sound can you hear at the beginning of ‘dog’?’

-Supporting with their oral blending of simple words such as ‘Can you put on your ‘c-oa-t?’

-Continue to count and point out numbers in the environment and talk about the purpose that they serve


Class blog:

As we continue throughout the year, we will use the Class Blog as a means of regular communication between school and home.  We will tell you about:

  1. What’s happened during each week
  2. What’s coming up
  3. Ideas about supporting your child at home
  4. Any other information you may need to know


-Please sign the behaviour booklet and return to school, if you haven’t already done so

-Phonics and maths information evening for parents at school on Tuesday 4th October 6:30-7:15pm



Thank you for your continued support.


Have a good weekend.

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