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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Autumn Term 1 Week 1

Hello and welcome to Samuel Lucas School!
We wanted to start by saying a very big THANK YOU for all your support in ensuring the children have made a positive start to school life.  All the adults in EYFS have been so proud and impressed with how quickly your children have settled into their new environment.  They have listened well and enjoyed exploring and investigating their new classrooms and outside area.
As we continue throughout the year, we will use the Class Blog as a means of regular communication between school and home.  We will be telling you about:
  1. What’s happened during each week,
  2. What will be happening the following week,
  3. Ideas about supporting your child at home, and
  4. Any other information you may need to know.

This week you can help by:
– Ensuring we have your child’s “Summer Treasure Hunt” activity in school by 14th September please,
– Ensuring all items of clothing, water bottles etc are named please, and
– Working with your child to help them practise taking their jumpers on and of independently.

We have really enjoyed getting to know your children and look forward to a fun week next week.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Fisher and Mr French
Willow and Lilac Class Teachers.

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