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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Autumn Week 10

Hello from Lilac and Willow, what a terrific week we’ve had in Reception.

This week:

We’ve continued our learning about Autumn Festivals by starting our week learning about Rememberance Day.  The children heard about the origins of Remembrance Day and found out why we wear poppies today.  They also brilliantly observed a 2 minutes silence at 11 o’clock – well done Reception!





We introduced the children to ‘Helicopter Stories’.  ‘Helicopter Stories’ lets children dictate their stories which are written down verbatim, exactly as they are told.  The children then gather around a taped out stage on the carpet and the stories are acted out.  We were treated to some fantastic and imaginative stories, the children really did a great job.  Why not ask your child to come up with their own story?  Maybe as a starting point, they could use a familiar story and adapt it slightly e.g. instead of 3 little pigs they could have 3 little rabbits.

In maths, we learnt about 2D and 3D shapes.  The children learnt that 2D shapes are flat shapes and 3D shapes are solid.  As well as learning the names of some common 2D and 3D shapes, we also went on a shape hunt to find examples in our indoor and outdoor learning environments, we also made pictures using 2D shapes and chose the best 3D shapes to build the tallest free-standing towers possible.  Why not ask your children to name the 2D shapes that they can see within real life 3D objects e.g. a circle in a clock.




In Phonics, we learnt the sounds l, ll, f and ff and continued to work hard on our segmenting and blending to help us read and write CVC words.

In PE this half term, the children will be doing gymnastics with Mr. Smith.  In our first session, the children were asked what happens to aeroplanes when they travel.  The children then had to use the image of a plane to help them with their gymnastics.  We had take off, then flight and finally landing.  We used this sequence on a variety of gymnastic equipment.  They did a great job.  Why not ask them to show you how they take off, fly and land from a safe height e.g. from a step?

We finished our week celebrating Children in Need.  Thank you for your generous donations and all the effort made with your children’s clothes, it was a BIG yellow SPOTacular!  The children heard a story about fundraising and why it is a good and kind thing to help other people.  We also created Pudsey Bear masks, practised our blending and segmenting with Pudsey, played eye spy and made our own spotty patterned pictures.

Next week:

  • In phonics, we will be learning the sound ss.  We will be continuing to practise segmenting and blending to read words.
  • We will be celebrating national nursery rhyme week.  We will be learning lots of nursery rhymes as well as trying to adapt some familiar ones to create our own versions.
  • PE will take place on Monday for this week only.

Any other information:

  • RECEPTION CLASS OUTCOME – Throughout the year, every year group in the school has opportunities for families to come into school to share and enjoy all of the children’s learning; these are known as Class Outcomes.  It is also a great chance for the children to talk to you about how they have learnt the things they have.  Our outcome takes place across both Lilac and Willow, so families are encouraged to visit both classrooms.  Outcome is on WEDNESDAY 27TH NOVEMBER at 2:15pm.  Please come in via the School Office.  It will last until approximately 3pm.  Please feel free to arrive and leave anytime during the outcome.  Once you’ve visited, please wait outside for your child at the end of school as normal.  If you’re able to come it would be great to see as many of you as possible.
  • WE NEED YOU – The children love opportunities for writing and mark making across all of our provision and in particular in little hand made books.  These books include zig-zag books and threaded books.  We have plenty of resources available and would very happily provide them to anyone who would be willing and happy to give some valuable time to help make these for the children.  If you’re interested and would like to help, please let us know.




  • TAPESTRY – Thank you very much to the parents who have already activated their accounts via the link previously emailed before half term.  We will speak individually to those who haven’t yet activated their accounts as it is important you’re set up to view your child’s online learning journal as soon as possible.  If you’re having any difficulties registering or logging in to Tapestry, please let us know.

We hope you have a superb weekend.

Mrs Fisher and Mr French

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