Hello from Lilac and Willow, what a festive week we’ve had in Reception!
This week:
The children were working very hard, putting the final finishing touches to their Christmas Performance – Wriggly Nativity. We are incredibly proud of how well the children have done – no doubt you will feel the same!
As well as dress rehearsals and song practises, the children took part in the school Christmas lunch on Wednesday. We spent the morning making hats to wear to lunch. There was lots of cutting, sticking, colouring and concentrating and the end result was brilliant. I’m sure you can imagine the children looked very smart indeed and enjoyed their special lunch with hats, decorations and Christmas music.
In phonics, the children learnt the sound qu. We learnt that qu is a digraph, this is when two letters come together to represent one sound. We also found that qu can appear at the beginning or in the middle of words. Why not ask your children about the words they learnt that have the qu sound and encourage them to try sounding them out and practise writing it down? The children also helped our phonics puppets to write their Christmas shopping lists as they can’t write for themselves. The list included (a toy) cat, pen, hat and bat. Why not ask your children to help you write lists of things you may need during the school holiday e.g. party food, presents, holiday items?
Next week:
- To round off our learning about festivals and to celebrate all of the children’s hard work, we will be getting ready for our Christmas Celebration.
- In Phonics, we will be learning the digraphs ch and sh and we will be segmenting and blending to write words using all the sounds we’ve learnt throughout the year.
- In maths, we will be learning about 3D shapes. This will include wrapping parcels in our role play post offices and discussing the properties of each shape.
- In PE, we will be finishing off our gymnastics learning about take off, flight, jump and landing.
Any other information:
- SHARED READING – Our last shared reading of this term will be TUESDAY 17TH DECEMBER. There will be no shared reading on the last day of term.
- TAPESTRY – Thank you to those of you who have already activated your account. Please share an observation of time spent together as a family during the school holiday if possible. If you are having issues with Tapestry, please speak to your child’s teacher.
- WATER BOTTLES – We have unfortunately had a number of leaky water bottles in the children’s bags and this has meant that some of the school reading books have been damaged, and in some cases have had to have been discarded. Please can you check that water bottles are tightened securely as we have limited reading resources and want to try and ensure that there is a wide range of books for the children to read.
- LAST DAY OF TERM – School finishes on FRIDAY 20TH DECEMBER at 2PM.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French