Hello from Lilac and Willow, what a fun filled week we’ve had in Reception.
This week:
The children have started to learn their letters in Phonics, we’ve been focussing on s, a, t. Why not ask them which 3 sounds we’ve been learning? Can they find any objects at home that start with those letters?
As part of our maths, the children have been classifying groups of objects based on their properties. The children were very good at telling us how things are the same and different and how we can use this to help us classify.
In PE, the children were working fantastically in teams of 2 and were cooperating in order to pass and move a bean bag in different ways.
In Music, there was lots of good listening and singing as well as actions. The children are learning lots of new songs.
We also had a walk around the school to visit other members of our Samuel Lucas family. The children were praised by other adults for how amazing they were moving around the school – well done Reception!
The children also have been filling up their buckets in class by making lots of good choices. Please remind the children to be bucket fillers.
Next week:
We are introducing the children to the Characteristics of Effective Learning through the Mr Men and Little Miss Stories. Next week, we will find out about:
- Mr Brave – I will have a go
- Mr Busy – I join in an concentrate
- Little Miss Curious – I play with what I know
- Mr Nosey – I enjoy finding out and exploring
We will be learning p, i, n in Phonics and we will be making patterns in maths.
Talk Time starts this coming week and takes place every Friday. Each Friday a different group will come and share their item/experience. When it is your child’s turn they can bring their item into school and place it in the talk time box. Talk Time should be related to our topic 1,2,3…Good to be Me or talking about a family occasion, trip or event that the children have enjoyed. Please see below for the rota.
27th September – Elmer
4th October – Kipper
11th October – Hairy Maclary
18th October – Peter Rabbit
25th October – Gruffalo
Any other information:
- PHONICS – Here is a useful link for supporting you with phonics at home. It has audio and video guides to help with pronunciation of each sound in Phonics – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/phonics-made-easy
- READING BOOKS – Reading books will be coming home next week. We will begin individual reading from wb 30th September. The reward scheme discussed at the Parent’s Information Evening will also begin wb 30th September.
- LETTERS HOME – Any letters home will go into book bags.
- SHARED READING – Shared Reading takes place every Tuesday and Friday morning from 8.45 until 9.00. Family members are invited to come into class and read with your child (younger siblings welcome too). If you also have children in KS1, they are welcome to either join their sibling or have the sibling join them. Shared Reading will begin wb 30th September.
- JUNK MODELLING – Throughout the whole year, we would very much appreciate any of the following items as donations: cereal boxes or other food packaging, kitchen roll tubes, egg boxes, offcuts of material/wrapping paper or any similar items. Please could we not have: any packaging that has housed nuts, toilet roll tubes, dairy packaging such as milk cartons and packages that contained medicines or first aid items.
- TOYS FROM HOME – Please could you ensure that your children do not bring in toys from home. Anything precious to them can get lost or broken and may result in them getting upset.
We hope you have fantastic weekend in the sunshine!
Mrs Fisher and Mr French