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A Reception Class Post

Reception – Autumn Week 8

Hello from Lilac and Willow, what an awesome Autumnal week we’ve had in Reception!

We wanted to start this week’s blog with a huge THANK YOU to you families for all your support this half term.  We’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of your children and it’s been fantastic watching them develop and settle in so quickly at Samuel Lucas.  We also want to say a big WELL DONE to you children for working so hard this last 8 weeks (where has the time gone?).

This week:

We read the story of Rosie’s Walk.  The children enjoyed finding out how and where Rosie went on the farm.  The children also came up with their own versions of the stories using different characters and settings.  Why not ask them how and where Rosie went on her walk?  Or perhaps find out which character they chose for their story and where that character went?






Because the children enjoyed finding out about Rosie’s Walk so much, they had the opportunity during Child Initiated Learning (CIL) to take their pencils for a walk.  We are very lucky to have such talented and creative children, and I hope you were able to see some lovely examples for yourselves that they took home.  Why not take your pencil for a walk with you children and ask them to help you colour it in?  The image below is for illustrative purposes only and isn’t quite representative of the children’s art (however the children weren’t far off we can assure you!)





In Phonics, we’ve been busy recapping each of the letters and sounds we have learnt so far this term.  The children have been working really hard to continue practise putting them together (blending) and sounding out (segmenting) to help them read and write simple CVC words such as pin, map, top, cup, cat.  Why not ask them to carry on practising their segmenting and blending using their “robot” talk to help them? (e.g. c-u-p cup)

In maths, we were learning about counting 1 more and 1 less than a given number of objects.  We talked about how counting 1 more means that we count forwards to the next number, and how counting 1 less means that we count backwards to the previous number.  We used lots of real life objects to support our learning and continued to use our 5s frame.  Why not ask your child to count objects going into the trolley at the supermarket?  Perhaps when they are at home and get their toys out or tidy up, see if they can tell you 1 more and 1 less of a given amount?





As part of our Autumnal work this week, we have also celebrated Harvest.  We were thinking about the important jobs that farmers do, and that Harvest is a time to be thankful for all the food that we have.  We really enjoyed coming together on Friday afternoon to have our own mini Harvest Festival in Willow Class.  We sang ‘Oats and Beans and Barley grows’ and ‘The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’.  We also retold the story of the Enormous Turnip!  Why not ask your children to sing you either song or perhaps see if they can retell the story of the Enormous Turnip?

Next Half Term:

  • We will be all about Festivals to include Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas.  More information to come!

Any other information:

  • TAPESTRY – You will all have hopefully received an activation link to the email address you have provided the school allowing you to activate your child’s Tapestry account.  Currently we have only published 1 observation per child as we wanted to test that the system works properly.  We will publish more shortly.
  • OBSERVATIONS FROM HOME VIA TAPESTRY- We would love to see some of the amazing things that you all get up to during the half term.  So if you’re able to and would like to, why not log in to Tapestry and send in an observation.
  • PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT – The children are doing such a fantastic job at getting dressed as independently as possible at the moment.  Please continue to help your child practise putting on coats, doing up zips, dressing and undressing.

We hope you and your children have a well earned rest and that you all have a happy and safe half term.

Mrs Fisher and Mr French

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