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A Reception Class Post

Reception Classes – Autumn Term Overview – 2018

Welcome to Lilac and Willow Class! We are very much looking to forward to getting to know your children and working in partnership with you to ensure they get off to a great start at Samuel Lucas School.

Our topic this half term is 1,2,3 Good to be me!

Personal Social and Emotional Development: We will be learning how to access the indoor and outdoor environments at school. We will be getting used to the school routines and expectations. We will be developing our ā€œgolden rulesā€ and thinking about how we show the 5Rā€™s throughout the school day. Throughout Child Initiated Learning we will be learning to work cooperatively with our peers.

Physical Development: We will be taking part in lots of fine motor activities that will, in turn, help us with our letter formation. We will be practicing holding our pencil, using an established grip, as this will help us to form our letters effectively. We will be having PE sessions in the hall where we will get the opportunity to develop our gross motor skills. Throughout our school day we will be establishing good health and hygiene routines, such as washing hands before snack time.

Communication and Language: We will be practicing listening carefully during whole class sessions and small group times. Throughout Child Initiated Learning time we will be provide the children with opportunities to develop their imaginary play and extend their story related vocabulary. We will listen to the childrenā€™s explanations, thoughts and ideas all throughout the school day and ask questions to challenge their thinking further.

Literacy: We will be listening to a wide range of stories and listening out for words that rhyme. We will be making marks for meaning whilst playing in the role play area, such as making a shopping list or taking a telephone message. We will be beginning phonics sessions and will practice our formation of the letters that we are learning.

Maths: We will be developing our mathematical language to enable us to describe the size, shape and weight of objects. We will be practicing counting objects carefully, one at a time, so that we donā€™t get in a muddle! We will be working on our recognition, and sequencing, of number.

Understanding of the world: We will be encouraging the children to share their experiences from home and notice the changes that are happening, in our outside area, as Autumn approaches. As they build in the construction area we will be talk with the children about the places that they visit in and around Hitchin.

Expressive Art and Design: The children will be able to explore mixing colours at the creative table and choosing the appropriate colour for their artwork. Our role play area, this half term, is a role play area and the children will be able to re-enact everyday familiar scenarios as they play.Ā  We will be singing lots of Nursery rhymes, number rhymes and songs.

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